Commercial breakdown: 2025 The Duel at Daytona

On Thursday night, the last step to finalize the Daytona 500 line up occurred with the Cup Duel Races. Joy and elation took place, as well as crushing heart ache, and numerous other emotions all along the spectrum. There were a passel of those pesky commercials, too. For those who like to know precisely how many there were, and how much time they took during the broadcast, here is this week‘s breakdown.

Race and Commercial Breakdown of the 2025 The Duel at Daytona

Start time to record race/commercial periods: 7:01 PM
End time to record race/commercial periods: 10:07 PM
Total minutes of complete race broadcast: 186
Minutes of race broadcast: 147
Minutes of traditional commercials: 39
Minutes of side-by-side commercials: 0

Total number of traditional commercials (not split-screen): 104
Total number of companies or entities advertised: 53
Total number of 'Side-by-Side‘ commercials during the broadcast (split-screen): 0
Total number of companies or entities advertised: 0
Number of times FS1 utilized 'Side-by-Side‘ commercials during the broadcast: 0

Companies seen the most in commercials during this broadcast: Bathfitters (4 times); Sargento Cheese (4 times); ebay motors (4 times); Ford (4 times); Toyota Gazoo Racing (4 times); Halls Cough Drops (4 times)

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