Tesla begins rolling out ASS feature


Want your Tesla to back it up? The Actually Smart Summon update is now being made available to Tesla models with camera-based hardware worldwide.

Tesla has released an update to its newer Model 3 and Model Y electric cars, which includes Smart Summon functionality after switching from an ultrasonic-based safety system to a camera system.

The over-the-air (OTA) update enables Actually Smart Summon (or ASS for short) and Dumb Summon, which was promised nearly two years ago for the latest models that have used the camera-based technology since June 2022 in Australia.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk promised the function back in September 2022 on X (formally Twitter), but the rollout has been delayed until now.

ASS allows Tesla owners to remotely summon their vehicle to their current location, and is strictly for use in car parks and driveways only.

Meanwhile, the Dumb Summon system can only pull vehicles forward or backward into a tight car space, similar to what is offered on high-end variants of Kia, Hyundai, and Genesis vehicles.

According to the release notes (version 2024.27.20), Tesla calls the feature "like magic, but with more tech and less wand-waving".

The brand is also quick to point out: "You are still responsible for your vehicle, so watch as it drives and stop it if necessary", putting the responsibility of an accident on the user.

To activate, owners simply press and hold the command, after which the vehicle will make its way to you.

Otherwise, owners can also select where they want the Tesla to go and achieve the same result with a press-and-hold.

To stop, you simply let go of the command.

This update pushes the Tesla models a step closer to Full Self-Driving functionality (an upgrade on its Autopilot semi-autonomous feature) which has not been certified for Australian roads.

The post Tesla begins rolling out ASS feature appeared first on Drive.
