PROWORKS sintered brake pads review Copy
11/28/2024 08:19 AM
Brake pads are a difficult item to write a review on, simply because there isn’t a great deal to say about a set of brake pads. However, it is an item that every motocross rider uses and if riding regularly, should be replaced regularly during the year.
Of course, conditions play a large factor in the durability of your brake pads. If you are riding a lot of sand then you are going to wear through your pads a lot quicker than if you are riding predominantly hard pack. With that in mind, I base the quality of a brake pad on 3 things:
-The amount of time it takes to be in.
-How well they work when they are up to temperature.
-The durability of the brake pads.
-The PROWORKS brake pads had next to no time to be in.
I was pleasantly surprised when I rode out for the first session that I had complete use of the front and back brakes. I rode a couple of meters to the track with the brakes on just to burn off any coating that may have been on them. Besides that, they were good to from the packet.
The brake pads worked just as well at the start of the session as they did at the end. I admit that the sessions were only 20 minutes long and the temperature was around 10*c so not ideal conditions to test how well they would work in 30+ degree heat at the end of a 35-minute race. But, I feel confident in saying that they would hold their own against any other top brake pad.
We now have the pads in for 4 or 5 weeks and the durability of the brake pads is still really good.
If you head over to 24MX this month they have 15% off, so for a set of brake pads (front and back) it will only cost you £28.90. If you’re looking for a set of brake pads to get you through the winter months, you won’t go wrong with these. Go get it at the following link:
Tested and written by Brad Wheeler
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