F1 Manager 23: aggiornamento 1.8 in arrivo la prossima settimana
09/26/2023 09:49 AM
Frontier Developments ha annunciato di star lavorando all'aggiornamento 1.8 per F1 Manager 23, che prevede di rilasciare all'inizio della prossima settimana.
Gli sviluppatori hanno anche illustrato i cambiamenti che verranno apportati al gioco, con l'aggiornamento che andrà a correggere alcuni dei bug e dei glitch segnalati dalla community nel corso di questi mesi. Ecco di seguito il changelog completo, che comprende anche i problemi attualmente sotto investigazione e che verranno risolti con patch future:
- Research/Design slider expertise gains have been rebalanced.
- Fixed Projected Cost Cap UI not updating correctly.
- Updated F1 Driver photos to 2023 versions.
- Fixed AI cars attempting a single-compound strategy in these scenarios:
- After saving on the pre-race screen, having manually played a practice or qualifying session.
- After a red flag occurs in a sprint race, having manually played a practice or qualifying session.
- Improved the level of impact of rubber on track across sessions.
- Reduced the chances of car-on-car collisions during Practice and Qualifying and slightly increased the chance of spins and running wide during Qualifying.
- Fixed cars slowing down in Singapore Sector 3.
- Further improvements made to drivers avoiding crashed/stationary cars on track.
- Improvements made to traffic in Qualifying causing issues for cars on flying laps.
- Updated Monza to be an ATA qualifying weekend [NEW SAVES ONLY].
- Fixed progression blocker when hiring a reserve driver at end of season.
- We are currently investigating the following for a future update:
- Game difficulty options.
- 'Racing Incidents' (non-penalty incidents).
- Balancing the impact of 'Avoid High Kerbs' on tyre condition.
- Car part improvement presentation